Photographs by Frank

15 November 2022

Leadmine Road

Filed under: Landscapes,Monadnock Region,November — Frank @ 10:45 PM

A few weeks back I discovered Leadmine Road in Nelson and Sullivan and the view of Mount Mondanock from there.

On Saturday morning, I went back with my camera but the weather did not cooperate. When I left the house there were nice scattered clouds about, but by the time I got to Nelson the skies were solid overcast. The trip was not for naught as I had a chance to chat with Jeff whose family owns the field across which lies access to the best views. Jeff is glad to allow folks to walk to the back of his field with its spectacular view. (He even has posted a sign on a tree inviting folks to email him with comments.)

Yesterday evening I checked the weather and the forecast looked good (scattered clouds) for the early this morning. I awoke before sunrise this morning and was out the door before 6:30, headed again for Nelson. The temperature was 22 deg. F.

Alas, as the sun rose, I could see that the skies were mostly clear with only a few thin clouds present. Such is the life of a landscape photographer!

I persisted none-the-less. I figured that I could, at least, see how the sun lay on the land at this hour.

When I got to the field, I donned my blaze orange (it’s deer season after all), grabbed both my regular camera and my camera obscura*, and headed out across the field. I made my first exposure just after 7:00 and spent a little bit less than an hour photographing. The temperature was 28 degrees when I returned to the truck and headed towards Harrisville for breakfast at the General Store.

When the light is poor for making photographs (as it was this morning), I find that the camera obscura often gives more interesting images than a regular camera. This was true this morning. Most often, I present my camera obscura photos in black and white. However, this morning, I was struck by the nice contrast between the cool blue skies and the warm brown grass of the field. Thus, I present these as color images.

These photos are, I doubt, “definitive”. I’ll be watching the weather and making further trips to Nelson over the coming weeks and months. Having such an interesting scene at a relatively short distance from one’s house is a boon. Great photos often come when one has the luxury of repeated visits.

The distant mountain in #1 and #3 is Mount Monadnock; the body of water is Silver Lake. The barn is Jeff’s.

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* For new readers, the camera obscura is a primitive optical device invented in antiquity. It consists of a box, a lens (or sometimes a pinhole), a mirror and a ground glass upon which the image is projected. I have added a shroud and bracket to my camera obscura that allows me to photograph the ground glass with a small digital camera. As one can see here, these images have a unique look.

10 November 2022

Two New Cuprotypes

It has been three weeks since my last post. I figured that I ought to post something… anything. So here goes!!!

November is often a slow month for me photographically. The landscape is dreary gray and brown. The odes are done for the season. However, I have made exposures on four days since my last post. I just hadn’t found time to write here.

One of the ‘distractions’ has been some more cuprotype experiments. However, a couple of days ago, I decided that it is time to stop doing experiments and, instead, to make some ‘art’.

Yesterday evening I printed two negatives using exposures I made about a week ago. This morning I printed these negatives as cuprotypes. My intent was to tone both prints with the iron (II/III) toner that yields an interesting blue-black print. However, I decided that I liked the cemetery gate image as the native brick-red. Thus, I did not tone this print further. One need to be flexible when making art!

These images are both 6×7.5 inches on 8×10 inch paper. The gravestones are on Legion Lenox 100 paper and the gate is on Rives Heavyweight paper.

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4 December 2017

Thursday Walk — Details

Filed under: Landscapes,November — Tags: , , — Frank @ 11:30 AM

Last Thursday I carried my camera while I took my daily walk.

The sun was low in the western sky. It dipped below the ridge about a half hour before astronomical sun set; I was only half way back to the house on the return leg.

I seem to have had an eye for details this day.

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3 November 2017

Derelict Truck

Filed under: November — Tags: — Frank @ 7:00 PM

I am a sucker for derelict trucks… they are just so photogenic.

A couple of days ago, I noticed this truck sitting in the edge of a field that I pass by regularly. I never noticed the truck before, but I think that it just appeared there recently. I have no clue how it got there.

This morning I went back back to photograph the beauty… a Ford dump truck of unknown (to me) vintage.

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21 November 2016

Belfries, Clock Towers, Cupolas, Spires, Et Al.

Filed under: architecture,Landscapes,Monadnock Region,November — Tags: — Frank @ 6:04 PM

Last Thursday morning, I meandered back home from Peterborough stopping to photograph buildings (or, more accurately, parts thereof) in Peterborough, Harrisville, Nelson, Hancock and Antrim.

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Warning photographer talk follows:

When one points a camera up, say to photograph a tall building, the optics cause the problem of converging verticals…  vertical lines, that are parallel in reality, look like they are converging and the building looks like it might fall over backwards.

This problems can be overcome in three different ways. There are special cameras and lenses with “tilt shift” mechanisms that allow one to compensate for this effect. Digital photos may be corrected (to an extent) in the computer using the proper software. Lastly, there is the solution I used for many of the photographs in this post. Tip the camera so that there are no vertical lines. No verticals, no convergence… Simple as that!


13 November 2016

Washington, NH Again

Filed under: architecture,Landscapes,November — Tags: — Frank @ 5:30 PM

Yesterday afternoon I headed back to Washington (NH) to make the photo I had envisioned the day before.

Being Saturday, I knew that the vehicles that were there the day before were not likely to be present. However the light was not quite as nice. There were a few scattered high clouds about but none to the west where they could diffuse the sun light. I prevailed none-the-less.

After I finished at the common (at a couple of minutes past four), I headed over to East Washington; there is both a church and a Grange hall to photograph there. I was too late for the Grange, it was in the shade already. The church which is up a hill from the Grange was still in good light. The light on the church lasted ten or fifteen  minutes.

I caught the  last of the sunlight on a few low clouds at Gregg Lake on the way home.

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11 November 2016

Yesterday, The Photography Was Good

Filed under: architecture,Landscapes,November — Tags: — Frank @ 4:00 PM

Yesterday afternoon looked good for photography… there were high clouds which softened the light and this time of year the sun gets low enough for nice directional light by mid-afternoon. I spent a couple of hours (roughly 2 – 4 PM) making a circuit of favorite places to photograph.

My first stop was an old barn which I recently learned is scheduled to be demolished at some point in the not too distant future. Thus I am feeling a sense of urgency in making photos of this barns last ‘gasp’ as it were.

This sense of urgency was heightened later in my drive when I passed an old house in East Washington that I have photographed in the past; it is now in the process of being dismantled.

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My second stop was Hillsborough Center. I have photographed the church there a number of times. Yesterday, I looked for other subjects there.

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My last stop was the Washington (NH) commons.

I have photographed here many times and was hoping to make some photographs using my camera obscura.  However, this was not in the cards for yesterday. There was a police vehicle parked next to the school house (which now serves as the police station) and there were other vehicles near the town hall. Plan B was to make photographs “looking up”… i.e. of  various roof lines.

I recently discovered that the subject of Paul Strand‘s famous photograph usually titled “Town Hall, NH” is, in fact, the Washington, NH town hall. The exterior of building is unchanged since Strand took his photo in 1946. However, the flag pole has been replaced (and moved).

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By four, the light was pretty much gone (even on the hilltop site of the common) so I packed up and headed home.



14 November 2015

Brimstone Corner Road Artifacts

Filed under: Monadnock Region,November — Frank @ 5:00 PM

artifact (är′tə-făkt′)

      1. an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.


Yesterday afternoon, I donned my blaze orange vest (the main deer hunting season began on Wednesday)  and took a short walk up  the unmaintained section of “our” road.

I make no claim about the significance of the artifacts I found (and photographed). However, they are interesting, at least, to me!

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11 November 2014

November Skies

Filed under: Landscapes,Monadnock Region,November — Tags: , — Frank @ 10:00 PM

November is a slow time for me photographically. The hillsides, devoid of foliage, are an unphotogenic grey and the weather, in our neck of the woods, is often cold and grey. Today was NOT one of those days!

The temperature was in the high 50’s and it was partly sunny with wonderfully photographic clouds during much of the day. I made the photos shown below while running errands in the early afternoon.

I intended to head out again in the late afternoon expecting a good sunset. However, about 3:30 (sunset is about 4:30) the overcast rolled in and despite some ribbing from Joan and I did not bother to get out of the recliner!

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26 November 2013

Backyard Birds Redux

Filed under: Birds,Monadnock Region,November — Tags: — Frank @ 9:05 PM

There was a bit of snow overnight and the low temperature was in the mid-20’s. However, by mid-afternoon the temperature was a few degrees above freezing and the wind was calm.  The light was not great as the sky was a dull, dark gray but I headed out the back door to photograph the birds in the backyard anyway.

As usual chickadees were most abundant. In addition to the chickadees, there were good numbers of both nuthatches and tufted titmice. Interestingly, I did not see a goldfinch or a junco in the ninety minutes I was out.

There was also a pair of downy woodpeckers present. This pair spent as much time watching and chasing each other as they did foraging for food. Watching their antics was quite entertaining.

By 4:00 PM, the light was too dim to photograph fast moving birds and I called it quits for the day.

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