Photographs by Frank

2 August 2020

Early Saturday Morning

Yesterday morning, one of the photo groups I belong to met (in Brattleboro) for the first time since March. We met outdoors in a park, wearing masks, etc.

I got up early and left the house before seven hoping to catch some good light and make some photographs. My first stop, as I headed west on Route 9 was “the truck”. This derelict truck sitting in a roadside field in Stoddard has been a favorite subject since it appeared a few years ago.

The light was just perfect and I spent fifteen or twenty minutes photographing “the truck” and its neighbor. I just discovered “the neighbor”, a second derelict truck maybe fifty feet from “the truck” and hidden from the road by some trees. I have no idea how long “the neighbor” has been there. I’ll be going back as the light on “the neighbor” will be best late in the day.

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After breakfast at the diner in Keene (with outdoor seating) my next stop was the Stonewall Farm in western Keene. I took a short stroll around the farm and found lots to photograph.

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My original plan was to make a third stop at the Chesterfield Gorge. However, I looked at the time and decided I did not have time. This was the correct decision as I made it Brattleboro with about twenty minutes to spare before our 10 AM get together.

3 November 2017

Derelict Truck

Filed under: November — Tags: — Frank @ 7:00 PM

I am a sucker for derelict trucks… they are just so photogenic.

A couple of days ago, I noticed this truck sitting in the edge of a field that I pass by regularly. I never noticed the truck before, but I think that it just appeared there recently. I have no clue how it got there.

This morning I went back back to photograph the beauty… a Ford dump truck of unknown (to me) vintage.

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19 September 2016

A Short Road Trip in Vermont

Filed under: Early Fall,Landscapes — Tags: , , — Frank @ 11:30 PM

Yesterday (Sunday, 18 Sep) I had engagements in Brattleboro mid-morning and mid-afternoon. I filled the interval between engagements by taking a short drive to photograph.

Heading north from Brattleboro on Route 5, I stopped in Bellows Falls for lunch.

After lunch, I headed west on Route 121 towards Grafton. In Grafton I turned south towards Townshend; there Route 30 took me back to Brattleboro via Newfane and Dummerstown.

The ride was scenic and covered territory that was mostly new to me. I stopped three or four times to make photographs.

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