Photographs by Frank

27 January 2023


Filed under: Landscapes,Monadnock Region,Winter — Frank @ 10:00 PM

Back at Christmastime we had about fourteen inches of snow on the ground. Then it warmed up and several periods of rain washed most of it away. Early January was just dry… no snow, no rain. Then, over the last roughly two weeks, we have had three snow storms. The first ‘event’ dropped about a foot of sticky snow. Several days later we got another seven or eight inches of similarly sticky snow. Two days ago we got another two inches of snow followed by heavy rain.

The good news is that the last storm finally cleared the snow off our solar panels. The bad news is that all of that heavy, water-laden snow from the front of the house landed in our driveway! Snow with traits similar to concrete cannot be moved with the snowblower. Thus, I had to use our Snow Bull, a walk behind snow plow we bought a couple of winters ago just for times such as this. The problem was where to put all of the snow. Let’s just say that there is quite a pile towards the end of our driveway and that we won’t be getting the camper out of the driveway early this spring!

Anyway, after the second storm, I took a short walk around the ‘neighborhood’ and tried to find interesting patterns amongst the snow covered trees.


  1. No snow here but we did get rain! East Bridgewater had some flooding around Robbins Pond as a damn broke.

    Our brook got high but no issues.

    Our trees are bare. You can keep the snow up north!

    Comment by joe — 28 January 2023 @ 8:55 AM

  2. Great snowy trees;beautiful selections.

    Comment by Ibever — 28 January 2023 @ 8:01 PM

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