Photographs by Frank

10 November 2022

Two New Cuprotypes

It has been three weeks since my last post. I figured that I ought to post something… anything. So here goes!!!

November is often a slow month for me photographically. The landscape is dreary gray and brown. The odes are done for the season. However, I have made exposures on four days since my last post. I just hadn’t found time to write here.

One of the ‘distractions’ has been some more cuprotype experiments. However, a couple of days ago, I decided that it is time to stop doing experiments and, instead, to make some ‘art’.

Yesterday evening I printed two negatives using exposures I made about a week ago. This morning I printed these negatives as cuprotypes. My intent was to tone both prints with the iron (II/III) toner that yields an interesting blue-black print. However, I decided that I liked the cemetery gate image as the native brick-red. Thus, I did not tone this print further. One need to be flexible when making art!

These images are both 6×7.5 inches on 8×10 inch paper. The gravestones are on Legion Lenox 100 paper and the gate is on Rives Heavyweight paper.

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  1. The essence of November. Thank you.

    Comment by mary jo wilhelm — 10 November 2022 @ 10:04 PM

  2. Frank, I think you made the right call (and color) on both of these. Hopefully, you will have more time to experiment or if you have found a favorite process to print more during the less than photographic times ahead.

    Always enjoy seeing what you are into and upto – retirement has been very kind to you!

    Comment by Joe Kennedy — 11 November 2022 @ 8:25 AM

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