Photographs by Frank

21 November 2016

Belfries, Clock Towers, Cupolas, Spires, Et Al.

Filed under: architecture,Landscapes,Monadnock Region,November — Tags: — Frank @ 6:04 PM

Last Thursday morning, I meandered back home from Peterborough stopping to photograph buildings (or, more accurately, parts thereof) in Peterborough, Harrisville, Nelson, Hancock and Antrim.

[scrollGallery id=492 – autoscroll = false width = 600 height = 600 useCaptions = true]

Warning photographer talk follows:

When one points a camera up, say to photograph a tall building, the optics cause the problem of converging verticals…  vertical lines, that are parallel in reality, look like they are converging and the building looks like it might fall over backwards.

This problems can be overcome in three different ways. There are special cameras and lenses with “tilt shift” mechanisms that allow one to compensate for this effect. Digital photos may be corrected (to an extent) in the computer using the proper software. Lastly, there is the solution I used for many of the photographs in this post. Tip the camera so that there are no vertical lines. No verticals, no convergence… Simple as that!


1 Comment

  1. Very interesting collection of building tops!

    I’ll have to try that tip of tipping the camera.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

    Comment by Joe Kennedy — 22 November 2016 @ 8:21 PM

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