Photographs by Frank

28 October 2012

An Afternoon Visitor

Filed under: Autumn,Mammals,The Yard,Wildlife — Frank @ 9:00 PM

This afternoon we were doing some chores around the yard when my CWS* motioned me to be quiet and pointed out towards the large oak tree in the middle of the yard. There, about three feet off the ground on the oak trunk, was a juvenile porcupine.

I backed slowly away and went for the camera.

By the time I got back the little “fellow” was on the ground rooting around in the leaves and grass (Photo #1) . He wandered around the yard allowing me to get as close as I needed… so I could fill the frame with my 300 mm lens. At one point he climbed into the bush in the middle of the yard but did not stay long (Photo #2). Eventually he climbed up the apple tree next to the garden (Photo #3) and settled in for a snack and a nap (Photo#4). Last I knew he was still there.

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*Chief Wildlife Spotter (a.k.a. Joan!)

26 October 2012

The Last of the Foliage

Filed under: "Camp",Autumn,Landscapes,The "New" Yard & Environs — Tags: , — Frank @ 2:00 PM

Last weekend, I found a bit of time on both Saturday and Sunday to wander the neighborhood and photograph the last of the foliage. The bright reds of the swamp maples are long gone. However the forest canopies (of mostly oak, birch and beech, with a few maples) were still a mix of browns and yellows. The understory (a mix of many species) was just about at its yellowy peak.

As I write,  the show is pretty much over for the year. The oaks and the beeches will hang on to their brown leaves much of the winter. But for the next few weeks… until we get some snow… the landscape will be drab and grey. Here is hoping for an early snow!

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A four frame panorama, looking across at “our” side of the lake. Our camp is visible in the full-sized image but I can’t make it out in this web-sized version.

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5 October 2012

It was a dark and stormy night…

Filed under: Autumn,Landscapes,Monadnock Region — Tags: , — Frank @ 12:00 PM

Actually, it was a rainy afternoon… but that doesn’t sound as dramatic!

The foliage is close to peak around here. I headed out about four o’clock in a light rain to photograph.

Over the next couple of hours the weather cycled from a drizzle to moderate rain. As the hour got later and the light began to fade the fog moved in.

I never made it past the bridge at the north end of Gregg Lake a mile from the house. The photographic possibilities seemed endless.

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