Photographs by Frank

20 February 2017

A Few from Keene

Filed under: architecture,Monadnock Region,Winter — Frank @ 1:00 PM

About a week ago (Tues., 14 Feb, to be exact), I headed to Keene to run some errands.*

I parked in the Gilbo Street lot.

As I returned to my truck, I noticed the nearby snow-covered skate park. Upon wandering over to investigate, I noticed the tracks of a single individual going into the park and over to a pile of stuff on the ground. The pile of stuff turned out to be a memorial for a Pabst-drinking skateboarder.

After photographing the memorial under snow, I pointed my lens at some of the nearby structures.

[scrollGallery id=508 – autoscroll = false width = 600 height = 600 useCaptions = true]

* I know… I’ve been a bit slow in processing these!


1 Comment

  1. Interesting – my interest was increased with the B&W processing.

    Comment by Joe Kennedy — 20 February 2017 @ 1:45 PM

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