Photographs by Frank

30 March 2016

Spring Break Road Trip, Part 1

Filed under: Birds,Odontates,Spring,Wildlife — Frank @ 1:30 PM

Joan and I just returned from a “spring break” road trip. We left the day after town meeting (i.e. Friday, 11 March) and arrived home on Sunday evening having driven 2840 miles all told.

After spending a couple of days in the Washington, DC area (visiting Katrina, my sister Cyndi and my parents) we hie-tailed it south and arrived on Sanibel Island (in southwest Florida) in time for an evening swim on 15 March.

On the morning of the 16th we headed into Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge and spent the day driving the wildlife loop. Late afternoon found us driving to the north end of Captiva Island. While Joan went for a swim, I photographed the peeps foraging on the beach and one half of a nesting pair of osprey that was perched in a palm tree near the nest.

Ding Darling, Day 1 —

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Captiva Beach —

(Peeps to be identified, but in the interest of timely posting, I’ve put this off.)

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On the 17th, we drove the wildlife loop in the refuge a second time and then walked a section of the Indigo Trail.

Ding Darling, Day 2 —

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More to come…


  1. These are FANTASTIC – impossible to pick out a favorite or three!

    I am NO help in bird ID, sorry. You even managed to nail a few odes for your collection.

    Comment by Joe Kennedy — 30 March 2016 @ 4:26 PM

  2. The Green Dragonfly is an Eastern Pondhawk the golden one is a Golden-winged Skimmer.

    Comment by Saorsa — 5 April 2016 @ 8:54 AM

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