Photographs by Frank

19 October 2015

Autumnal Abstracts 2015 — Redux

Filed under: Autumn,Landscapes,Monadnock Region — Tags: , , — Frank @ 1:30 PM

About two weeks ago, I made my first batch of Autumnal Abstracts for the 2015 season.

Since then, I have ventured out on a few more excursions in search of the ‘proper’ scenes from which to extract more abstractions.

All but the last photograph made using a long exposure (in the range of 6-12 seconds) and deliberate movement of the camera. The only ‘photoshopping’ done to these photos is the processing typically applied to raw files from the camera (i.e. levels adjustment, contrast, etc.).

Many of these are much more abstract than the previous photographs in this series, in that they do not really have any trace of their origin remaining. I would be interested in hearing folks reaction to these photographs.

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  1. I like ’em! The technique on the first one where (I’m assuming) you held the camera fairly still for a bit to create the ghostly leaf shapes before moving it is very successful to me. I especially like numbers 3, 4, and 8 through 11, though I can’t articulate exactly why those over the others. I also enjoy the new abstract style of number 14 and would like to see more like that (while the fall colors last!).

    Comment by Katrina — 19 October 2015 @ 5:45 PM

  2. Wonderfully done – just # 6 and 7 were not among my favs.

    I like the effect you got on the others.

    Comment by Joe — 20 October 2015 @ 3:31 PM

  3. when I am at a show looking at a number of photos or paintings, one question I always ask myself is which piece would hold my interest over time. in this grouping, for me, that would be #7 for the strong sense of motion, feeling of depth and for its wide array of color both warm and cool. It’s an image that draws me into it, like a story. #9 is also very interesting for its powerful sense of movement, #12 I didn’t notice at first, but that is a piece that I like the more I look at it…it is very layered and complex. I also very much like #14 sally

    Comment by Sally — 22 October 2015 @ 2:55 PM

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