Photographs by Frank

11 August 2015

Suspicions… Confirmed!

Filed under: Birds,Monadnock Region,Summer — Tags: — Frank @ 12:30 PM

Regular readers will remember that we have had a pair (one male and one female) of red-breasted grosbeaks visiting the feeders for most of the summer. In the past few weeks, I have noticed that these birds would make their exit from the feeder in the same direction while carrying a seed. I suspected that there was a nest in the neighborhood, but I had no real evidence.

Yesterday my suspicion was confirmed. Just before lunch, I was able to make two photographs of the adult male feeding a juvenile. There was a five second interval between these two frames. In another second, the adult had flown off.

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1 Comment

  1. Great shot and patience. I sure this was a Big Bertha shot?



    Comment by Kevin — 14 August 2015 @ 4:49 PM

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