Photographs by Frank

28 June 2015

Eastern Kingbirds Redux

Filed under: Birds,Monadnock Region,Summer,Wildlife — Tags: — Frank @ 12:30 PM

Yesterday (27 Jun) morning I headed down to the eastern kingbird nest at the lake. The skies were mostly overcast; good light for photographing black and white birds. The light on the nest would also be coming from a good direction. I was hoping to catch a “feeding sequence”… the events that happen within the couple of seconds after an adult arrives at the nest. In the two hours I observed the nest, I watched between ten and twenty visits by the adults.

The first photo in this sequence was made about two minutes before the others. The remaining four frames were made within a total of two seconds.

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In the intervals between adult kingbirds arriving at the nest, I chatted with numerous passersby and photographed whatever perched nearby. In addition to the kingbirds, I was able to photograph cedar waxwings (there are a lot of still green blueberries along the lake road) and grackles. I also heard many red-winged blackbirds in the marsh to the north of the road but none approached close enough to photograph.

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1 Comment

  1. Another PLETHORA (love using that word) of bird images! These are handled very well with great detail and the soft background. My personal fav is the one with the adult in the nest feeding the others – the last one in the second set, I believe.

    Comment by Joe Kennedy — 1 July 2015 @ 12:58 PM

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