Photographs by Frank

4 June 2014

Bradford Bog

Filed under: Odontates,Spring,wildflowers — Tags: , , — Frank @ 11:00 AM

On Monday, I spent a few hours exploring the Bradford Bog. I parked the truck at the Bradford Springs site* and began my exploration by walking up the road of the adjacent tree farm. This road skirts the edge of the bog and then gently rises into the uplands surrounding the bog.

There were small numbers of odes present along the road. Most common were baskettails (either beaverpond or spiny). Each individual was patrolling a section of road and hunting. Most never paused in their flight, but every once in a while one would perch briefly allowing for a “photo op”. Along the open patches of water in the bog, were a few teneral individuals of a dragonfly that I have not identified yet.

Although the walk along the road was not long (maybe half a mile one way), it was  hot and dusty.  I was glad to get back to the truck for some water and a snack before heading off towards the boardwalk into the bog proper. I saw exactly zero odes along the boardwalk and at the observation tower. However, I did find some nice wildflowers to photograph instead!

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* I was interested to learn from the sign here, that the Bradford Springs Hotel which once stood at this site was moved to Antrim where is is known as the Maplehurst Inn!

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