Photographs by Frank

28 October 2013

The Weekend’s Work

Filed under: Autumn,Birds,Monadnock Region — Tags: , , , — Frank @ 4:00 PM

I spent Saturday afternoon at the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory again. It was a slow day, only six birds total, but one of those six was a rough-legged hawk. I missed seeing by a few minutes. This was only the second time ever that a rough-legged had been observed at Pack Monadnock.

The other highlight for the day was a golden eagle (the fourth of the season) which I did get to see at a distance.

Lastly, another merlin alit in the same tree as the one I photographed one on Friday.  I was again able to get a decent (although highly cropped) photo.

On Sunday, Joan, Sally (Joan’s childhood friend who was visiting from Lewes, Delaware) and I took a “stroll” through our neighborhood. We hit all of the high points: the lake shore, Brimstone Corner, cellar holes, the beech tree with bear claw marks, and all of the nearby beaver-made wetlands. We covered about 4.5 miles in roughly 4.5 hours and a good time was had by all.

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1 Comment

  1. Great sky in Beaver Swamp! Chipmunk’s a little larger than you are used to shooting but you nailed it per usual.Monochromatic window was well done, just get it off center. Perhaps, shooting it at an angle would help. You got a lot of its character from the peeling window frame to the weathered boards to the old curtains. Is that a reflection in the window? Same thoughts on the shed door – a little off center or just focus in on a section of it.

    Comment by just joe — 1 November 2013 @ 11:08 AM

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