Photographs by Frank

17 March 2013

Mid-March, A Time of Change

Filed under: Early Spring,Landscapes,Monadnock Region — Tags: — Frank @ 6:00 PM

There are many changes afoot during mid-March in New Hampshire.

Ice fishing season comes to an end.

Maple sugaring season has begun.

The first (and very faint) traces of spring are perceptible… i.e. maybe we get three or four nights in a row when the temperature stays above freezing.

Joan and I took a walk down Brimstone Corner Road late yesterday afternoon. At the end of the driveway we turned left and headed towards “civilization”; it is about a mile to the bridge across the narrow spot in the lake.

Most of the bob houses which were, until recently, spread out across the lake are sitting at the boat launch waiting to be hauled away for storage until next winter.

Folks have tapped the sugar maples along the road near the Girl Scout Camp. One side of the road has old fashioned taps and buckets. The other side has the modern tubing and tank system. The latter is not particularly photogenic!

The weather was in flux as well (usual?!). When we first arrived at the lake, the sky above the north end was a bold brilliant blue with only a few clouds around (see the fifth photo of this set). Twenty minutes later (the sixth photo), the same area of sky was filled with clouds. By the time we returned home it was completely overcast.

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