Photographs by Frank

1 January 2013

Winter Wonderland

Filed under: Landscapes,Monadnock Region,Winter — Tags: , — Frank @ 12:00 PM

Snow fell twice the week between the holidays… about a foot Wednesday night and Thursday and another  four inches or so on Friday night into Saturday.

Joan and I have been out on the snowshoes twice thus far. We have seen many tracks in the snow… moose, dear and many smaller animals.

The winter woods tend to be very quite, especially if the wind is not blowing. Perhaps, the most common sound is that of woodpeckers hard at work high up in the trees. However, on our first outing, we also heard coyotes nearby.

I have carried the new camera on both trips. I am slowly getting better about remembering to take the new camera with me when I leave the house but there is definitely an element of  “old dogs and new tricks” in this!

The new camera is nice and light… easy to carry and stow. Having only a wide to “normal” lens for the V1 has made me realize how much normally I use a telephoto lens. It forces me to think (and look) in new ways… and that’s not bad!

All of these photos were taken between the 28th and the 31st.

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6 January 2012

Another Beaver Swamp in the Snow

Filed under: Landscapes,Monadnock Region,Winter — Tags: , — Frank @ 12:00 PM

Late yesterday afternoon Joan and I headed out for a “quick walk”. We ended up at a large beaver swamp that lies between the house and Willard Pond. There had been a couple of very light flurries earlier in the day, but just as we arrived at the beaver dam it began to snow a bit more earnestly. Nonetheless, I persisted in making photographs from a position just below the beaver dam.

The walk back, in fading light, was “interesting” as the snow made it difficult to pick out the icy patches along the road! We proceeded slowly arriving  back at the house in the dark.

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21 March 2011

Spring Break

Filed under: Early Spring,The "New" Yard & Environs — Tags: , , — Frank @ 12:01 PM

Early March… Spring Break time for those of us, students and faculty alike, in higher education.

Many head south, not me… I spent most of the week in NH. However, I started the week photographically with a Sunday afternoon trip to Sachuest NWR to look for harlequin ducks. None were to be found.

Most of the rest of the week in NH was not particularly good for photography… the light was very flat gray and dreary for three days. Things began  to look up photographically-speaking on Thursday and Friday when the fog set in! Nothing like fog to set a mood, so I headed out each afternoon.

Here are a dozen from the week:

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Comments appreciated, as always.


5 March 2011

Snowy February

Filed under: The "New" Yard & Environs,Winter — Tags: — Frank @ 10:11 AM

Well, I realize that it has been more than a month since I added an entry here. The winter is generally a slow time for me photographically, but I do continue to shoot, so there is really no excuse!

February continued the snowy winter we have been having both in NH and in Mass… we got around a foot of snow (in NH; in Mass. it was mostly rain) on the last weekend of the month.

Still, Joan and I have been getting out at least once a weekend, between shoveling events,  for a snowshoe hike around the NH house. Most of the time, I remember to take the camera!

So here are a half a dozen photos from the last couple of weeks:

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Comments appreciated as always.

23 January 2011

The Beaver Swamp in Winter

Filed under: The "New" Yard & Environs,Winter — Tags: — Frank @ 9:58 AM

Last weekend, Joan and I took a jaunt through the beaver swamp behind the house in NH. There was about a foot of powdery snow that was a few days old, so we strapped on the snowshoes and headed out. The temperature was in the mid-teens (Fahrenheit) but we were warm and toasty from the exercise and the sun.

There is a high ridge on the west side of the swamp so deep shade develops down in the lowlands at least an hour (maybe more) before sunset.  Towards the end of our hike, the light was just right  for really bringing out the texture of the snow. I had been watching all of the bits of old vegetation that protruded from the snow in anticipation of “good light” and so was ready with the camera. The light lasted less than a half hour and I had to keep moving to the east as the shadow of the ridge worked its way across the swamp.

Here are the “keepers” from the afternoon:

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14 January 2011

Around the (new) house – New Hampshire Winter

Filed under: The "New" Yard & Environs — Tags: , — Frank @ 12:27 PM

Joan and I recently acquired a new house in New Hampshire where we plan to live upon retirement in a few years.The house, a classic New England Cape, is, according to some, way out of town!

It is the second-to-last house on the maintained section of an old dirt road. It sits on a bit more than six acres of land with stone walls on two sides and a nice beaver swamp at the back of the property. The back of the lot abuts property owned by NH Audubon which is part of a large (probably a couple thousand acres) tract of “wilderness”. Pretty much paradise by this nature photographers reckoning!

In the future,  I am sure that there will be many photos of the wildlife that the shallow, still, water of a small beaver swamp attracts. Come spring, I am planning to build a semi-permanent blind in which I expect to spend many early mornings and evenings.

But for now, I am content to photograph animal tracks in the snow, stone walls in the snow, random rocks in the snow… well, you get the idea… a New Hampshire winter… aah!

Here are the photographic results from the first couple of weeks since we (sort of) moved in:

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Thanks for looking.

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