Photographs by Frank

5 April 2011

April Snow

Filed under: Early Spring,The "New" Yard & Environs — Frank @ 8:37 PM

Ah… early April… spring snow… that wet heavy glop that fortunately doesn’t stay around long.

The morning of 1 AprilĀ  about 3 inches of new snow fell in our neck of the NH woods.

A few days later, on Monday, snow showers that lasted most of the morning began while we were having breakfast.

Much of the woods are still covered in the remnants of the winters accumulation so in some ways there was not much change in the view.

However, upon closer examination, one notices that many recently bare surfaces such as stones, trees and many man-made surfaces had a new coat of fresh snow. This is usually the first stuff to melt so if you want to catch it photographically you need to work fast.

Here is the weekend’s (plus Monday) crop:

[nggallery id=44]


1 Comment

  1. Interesting looks at Mother Nature’s cruel joke on April Fool’s Day! That saw mill looks as if it has some unique images.

    Comment by Just Joe — 6 April 2011 @ 10:19 AM

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