Photographs by Frank

19 February 2016

Chaos Will Rule/Kisses in the Morning

Filed under: Winter — Tags: — Frank @ 11:47 AM

Yesterday afternoon, I had an hour to kill in downtown Brattelboro, VT. I spent the hour roaming the back alleys along Main Street photographing the public art.

Here is the result:

Brattleboro, Vermont
Feels like a big city
When one lives in a town of 2600 souls

Graffiti both edgy and tender
Edgy preponderate
Feels right

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1 Comment

  1. Well, you are certainly the man about town!

    What no odes in these back alleys???

    Great look at the alleys of Brattleboro. Some are very creative while others are filling space.

    so when will you be shooting a dance recital or a fashion show. i believe that’s all there is left on your “have not done that yet” list!!

    Comment by Joe Kennedy — 21 February 2016 @ 7:20 PM

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