Photographs by Frank

13 October 2015

South Sutton Meeting House Et Alia

Filed under: Autumn — Frank @ 1:30 PM

Countless times over the years decades*, I have driven by the meeting house in South Sutton, NH.

Every time I drive past I say to myself…”That’s pretty. I should come back  and photograph it some time.”

Well, this past Saturday was finally “some time”!

The day dawned with a high, light overcast… perfect for photographing white buildings. I was hoping for a bit of autumn foliage to frame the building. (I was planning a color photograph.)

Making this photograph was more difficult than I anticipated. Not wanting to trespass in the neighbors yard and not wanting to include power lines in the frame severely limited the angles from which one could actually make a photograph.

The good news is that within sight of the meeting house are two other interesting buildings to photograph. There is an old school house just behind the meeting house and there is an old store (which appears to be a museum now) just across the road. I had no inkling about these until I stopped on Saturday.  I spent much more time photographing the store than I did on the meeting house.

[scrollGallery id=406 – autoscroll = false width = 600 height = 600 useCaptions = true]

*Joan and I used to drive through Sutton and past this meeting house on our way between Hanover and Antrim back in the late 1970’s.


1 Comment

  1. Can see why you spent more time with shooting the store – lots of interest there!

    Detail #1 and #3 and #4 and #5 – I found most interesting!

    Now you can cross off Sutton Center from your list!

    Comment by Joe — 16 October 2015 @ 2:33 PM

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