Photographs by Frank

23 September 2015

Flying Guys*

Filed under: Off Topic — Tags: — Frank @ 3:30 PM

Last weekend was Antrim’s Home and Harvest Festival… a combination of street fair, parade, barbecue with fireworks, etc. A little bit of something for everyone.

That little bit of something for me was the competition at the skateboard park.

Although I am too old for skateboards now and their introduction on the east coast was a bit late for me to catch in my youth, I greatly enjoy combination of athleticism and revolt (outsiderism?) that skateboarding represents.

Thus, I took up a position behind the quarter pipe and snapped away while dodging the occasional errant skate board.

[scrollGallery id=400 – autoscroll = false width = 600 height = 600 useCaptions = true]

* I usually photograph flying animals (odes and birds)  so maybe this is not as far off topic as it seems!


1 Comment

  1. You nailed some excellent angles, the odes would be proud of you! #5, 9, 12, 15, and 17 were my favorites!

    You certainly positioned yourself well.

    so, what’s next a model shoot? Fashion show?

    Comment by Joe — 24 September 2015 @ 11:10 PM

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