Photographs by Frank

28 August 2015

The American Rubyspot

Filed under: Odontates,Summer — Tags: — Frank @ 11:00 PM

This afternoon, I made the two and a half hour round trip to Athol, Massachusetts to photograph the American Rubyspot.

The section of the Millers River just upstream from where Route 2A crosses the river at the western edge of the downtown business district in Athol is a hot spot for this uncommon damselfly. The southern part of Case Meadow Conservation Area lies along one bank of this stretch of river and parking is available at the Millers River Environmental Center; both make for easy access.

I spent just over an hour from first to last frame exposed. I saw around a dozen and a half rubyspots including two females at two spots along the river bank. I also observed a few large dragonflies (darners most likely) out over the river. I also saw a few darners flying in the meadow on the walk back to the truck.

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1 Comment

  1. AMAZING colors in these odes! Once again the detail in tack sharp. Impossible to pull out a favorite as EVERYONE of these is so well done.

    A trip that certainly paid off!

    Comment by Joe — 31 August 2015 @ 8:48 PM

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