Photographs by Frank

11 December 2014

Color and Texture

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Frank @ 5:00 PM

Last week, Joan “won” an auction for a 40″ loom.

It was donated to the Grapevine (a social service agency located in Antrim) and included in their recent fund-raising auction. Thus, a good cause was supported.

She picked up the disassembled loom on Sunday afternoon and by midnight that evening we had it assembled even sans manual. Not bad for two people had never really examined a loom up close before.

On Wednesday, we were finally able to make the short trip to Harrisville Designs, one of our local purveyors of all things “fiber”. Joan needed to get some “stuff” necessary to use a loom but that was not among “stuff” that came with the loom. (As you can see, I am up on all the technical jargon associated with weaving.)

My presence on this excursion was not essential. However, I decided to accompany Joan on her trip for a number of reasons…

1) To get out of the house during this stretch of miserable weather.

2) To, hopefully, keep the expenses associated with the “stuff” to be acquired as low as possible. This, of course, leaves more cash available for photography stuff tools!

3) To have a chance to photograph interesting “stuff”!

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1 Comment

  1. Well done, you certainly know how to make lemonade out of lemons and do it tastefully as well!

    Comment by Just Joe — 12 December 2014 @ 7:19 PM

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