Photographs by Frank

16 June 2013

Two Days of Ode-ing

Today was not a particular good day for ode-ing… it was overcast and cool.

Not that I minded… I spent four or five hours over the previous two days swamp stomping  in my new summer-weight (i.e. non-neoprene) waders. Previously, I had made do with “green wellies” which often got flooded if I ventured a little too deep or if I squatted down in the water. Chest-waders have neither problem and therefore make the life of a swamp stomper much nicer!

Here are the results (including a few “non-ode” species):

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1 Comment

  1. Wow you had quite the field day photgraphing odes. I love the Hudsonian white-face mating wheel shot. Have to do some work to ID some of the others. The blue-flag iris is wonderful!


    Comment by KDC — 17 June 2013 @ 9:24 PM

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