Photographs by Frank

19 August 2016

A Peterborough Walk

Filed under: architecture,Monadnock Region,Summer — Tags: , — Frank @ 8:30 AM

Wednesday dawned  partly sunny and windy. I had errands to run so I headed out towards Peterborough before breakfast. After a breakfast sandwich at the local bagel emporium, I spent a bit of time, with camera in hand, wandering downtown.

Here are the “keepers”.

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11 March 2012

After a Long Hiatus

Filed under: architecture,Early Spring,Landscapes — Tags: — Frank @ 12:00 PM

March 10th dawned cold and gray;  an inch of snow had fallen overnight. By noon, the weather looked like it was beginning to break. The possibility of “interesting” skies motivated me to get off my rear end and, after a month’s hiatus, head out for some photography.

My first stop was “the bridge”, about a mile from the house… where the road becomes paved. My initial goal was the farm fields in East Washington, but I did not make any photos there. I ended up at the covered bridged in Henniker, NH. I had noted this bridge on a number of occasions but had never stopped to photograph it before.

I was parked behind the school and also made some time to photograph the cupolas of the nearby buildings in good, but not great, light. There are more structures to explore photographically, so I’ll be headed back at some point in the future.

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2 January 2012

A New Year’s Day Drive

Filed under: architecture,Landscapes — Frank @ 11:00 PM

Yesterday,  Joan and I took a drive wandering through the towns of Windsor, Lempster, Unity, Bellows Falls and Alstead; all in NH except Bellows Falls, which is Vermont!

We had an enjoyable time. However, the falls in Bellows Falls are not very photogenic… way too much anthropogenic “stuff”. Oh well, I guess I should have known!

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18 December 2011

An Early Winter Meander

Filed under: architecture,Landscapes,Monadnock Region — Tags: — Frank @ 12:00 PM

The “in between” season… in between the last foliage and reliable snow cover… is a difficult time for a nature photographer. There is not much wildlife about and the landscape is rather drab.

However, I get antsy if I do not get out to photograph at least once a week so I headed out yesterday afternoon under slate gray skies.

I had no real goal in mind but I headed south through Hancock and Peterborough figuring that I would scout for vantage points from which to photograph Pack Monadnock  and North Pack Monadnock when we finally get some snow cover.

I ended up over in Harrisville, site of a old but well maintained mill complex, thinking that architecture is a good “in between” season subject. The mid-afternoon (around 3 PM) light was at a nice low angle and very soft due to the cloud cover. One of the mill complex’s bell towers was already in shadow but the other was still nicely light, as was the tower on the town library. The mill buildings are a tough subject; there are wires and poles galore making it difficult to find angles clear of signs of modernity.

Heading back towards home, I stopped (at about 4 PM) to photograph the sunset over a small wetland in Hancock and about forty five minutes later (after a stop at the store) I got a shot of the very last light over Gregg Lake.

I arrived home with very cold hands (aluminum tripods are great heat sinks despite gloves); the thermometer was reading in the mid-twenties.

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