Photographs by Frank

31 August 2011

“Neighborhood” Birds

Filed under: Birds,Wildlife — Frank @ 6:53 PM

Chapter 1

We have had turkeys in our yard since early spring. While the wild strawberries in the lawn lasted  a tom, two hens and three or four juveniles would show up most every morning. Lately, only a single hen and juvenile have been coming by.

Turkeys are very wary birds and I had pretty much given up on the idea of getting good photos. Their hearing seems to be quite good and every time I even stepped outside, they headed for the woods. Yesterday, however, I was able to get a decent photo without leaving the house.

We noticed the hen and juvenile standing on the large rock just off our back deck and I was able to use the house as a blind. I took the photo shown below through the French door (both the glass and the screen) which opens onto the deck.. not bad!


Chapter 2

Joan headed out for a kayak ride on the lake late this afternoon. About quarter to five (4:47 to be exact according to the caller ID) the phone rings and it is my spotter-in-chief calling from the lake (down by the public beach). She is calling to inform me that there is a juvenile bald eagle eating a fish on a rock across the lake from the beach.

I, of course, drop every thing and head out the door in a flash… the “bird lens” was still on the camera from yesterday’s turkey shoot! I shot the first frame at 4:57 according to the exif data.  I spent less than fifteen minutes watching, shooting and listening… the bird in the first two instances and Steve (a nice fellow at the picnic table on the point) in the third. Then the bird flew off.

I was back home and processing the images by quarter to six. The photos are not great. The light was flat and the bird was far away even with the 500 mm lens but I hope it makes a good story!

Rats… I was hoping to get this posted before Joan got back home, but I hear her putting away her gear in the garage now, at about 6:40.

Ain’t technology wonderful? Cellphones, caller ID, EXIF data and digital photography in general, WordPress and  the internet in general… from Joan spotting the eagle to “publication” in roughly two hours!!!!

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