Photographs by Frank

20 October 2022

Late Foliage Season

Filed under: Autumn,Landscapes,Monadnock Region — Tags: , — Frank @ 11:10 PM

Foliage season is winding down here in southwestern New Hampshire… it has been a good one.

Autumn foliage is always tempting to photographer and I am no exception. This time of year the camera goes with me whenever I leave the house. I don’t always make photos, but when the light is right and the scene attractive, I pause to admire the beauty and make a few exposures.

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These last two photographs are panoramas made by merging three frames in the computer. Displaying panoramas in the blog is always a bit wonky; right click on the images and open them it a new tab/window to see them best. (Printing them is tough too… they will easily print about three feet long.)

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4 October 2020

First Saturday Jaunt

Filed under: Autumn,Landscapes,Monadnock Region — Tags: , , — Frank @ 10:05 PM

On the first Saturday of each month (COVID not withstanding*) I get together with a group of friends and fellow photographers in Brattleboro to share work.

Yesterday morning, I headed out for our meeting early hoping to find some foliage to photograph in the early light. I was not disappointed. In addition to nice light, many of the local ponds and lakes were shrouded in morning mist as sometimes happens this time of year.

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After our get together, I meandered home from Brattleboro stopping to make photographs in Fitzwilliam, Troy, Jaffrey Center and Hancock.

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Although most of the photograph were made using my ‘regular’ camera. I did breakout the camera obscura on a few occasions.

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*After a several months of meeting via Zoom we have been getting together outside on the Common in Brattleboro. Now that the weather is becoming less conducive to outdoor meetings, we have to figure out what is next.

29 September 2020

Fall Foliage – 2020

Filed under: Autumn,Landscapes — Tags: , — Frank @ 11:00 AM

Yesterday morning I had some business to attend to in Saint Johnsbury, VY. It took me just a bit over two hours to get there via the interstates. The trip home took six hours… I meandered!

The foliage is pretty much peak in the northern part of NH and VT.

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29 September 2012


Filed under: Autumn,Landscapes,Monadnock Region — Tags: , — Frank @ 8:00 AM

Foliage season is in full swing in the Mondanock region. The wetland margins (i.e. swamp maples) are pretty much at peak and there is significant color on the hillsides.

The weather Thursday afternoon was “severe clear”… not the best for landscapes. However, with polarizer firmly in place, I headed out around four anyway.

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Three-frame panorama:

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