Between the recent heat wave and a hectic life, I have not done much photography (or blogging) in the past few weeks.
The first set of photos were taken the weekend of 16 and 17 July. I took a very hot and buggy hike at the McCabe Forest on Saturday. On Sunday, I took a kayak out and spent the afternoon at camp.
Just back in the woods, along the Contoocook River at McCabe Forest, there were many female ebony jewelwings feasting away on the abundant mosquitoes. I did not see a single male anywhere. Along the lake at camp there was quite a variety of odes with variable dancers seemingly the most abundant.
Here are the photos:
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Yesterday evening Joan and I took a canoe ride over to camp. I was probably too late in the day for good ode watching but I did manage to find and photograph two different species of clubtails.
I was a little surprised at the lack of vesper bluets which, I think, were beginning to appear by late July in years past. I guess that I’ll just have to go back again!
The frog (an immature bullfrog, I think) in the first photo was on the beach as we arrived.
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