Yesterday morning, I started a bunch of anthotypes early and then spent the rest of the morning finishing up the batch of salted-paper I had sensitized earlier in the week*.
I put the anthotypes out at about 9:30. This is as early as the sun reaches my ‘anthotype spot’ (AKA the bulkhead leading to our basement). At about 5:30, I began the process of disassembling the frames and spraying the anthotypes. I finished the clean up just in time for a 6:30 webinar on ‘hand-made photographs’ sponsored by the Photographic Resource Center in Boston.
The astute observer will note that I have expanded the subject matter of my anthotypes! There will be further expansion to follow as time and sunny days permit… I have ideas!!!
[scrollGallery id=783 – autoscroll = false width = 600 height = 600 useCaptions = true]
* There were no new images in this batch of salted-paper prints, so there will not be a post about them. I am trying to get in the habit of making an ‘edition’ of two or three copies of each image I print on salted-paper.
Joe Astute, here!
Wonderful prints! I personally feel the variety of subject matter increases the interest (at least mine and does anyone else really matter?)
I do like the effort put into arranging them. The patterns were well done.
Looking forward to more of these!
Comment by Joe Kennedy — 3 June 2021 @ 5:47 PM