Photographs by Frank

13 May 2021

Luna Moth

Filed under: Monadnock Region,Other Insects,Spring,Wildlife — Frank @ 9:15 PM

Joan spotted this female luna moth perched near the ground along side the road between our house and the Price Farm. I am pretty sure it is a female given the small size of its antennae and the large size of its body..

Luna moths are not rare, but they are rarely seen since they are nocturnal.

An interesting fact about the imago (winged, sexually mature) form seen here: they have no digestive system. The only function of the “adult” luna moth is reproduction. It will live for about a week and use the fat stored as a caterpillar as its sole source of energy.

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P.S. Quick loon update… there was a loon sitting on the nest when I drove by (twice, about an hour apart) late this afternoon,


  1. Wow! They’re out already? One year I had 2 adult males on my windows at night at the same time (different windows). I don’t recall the date. Haven’t seen any since.

    Comment by Pat Nelson — 13 May 2021 @ 9:23 PM

  2. Not only do we get great iamges but an education on the Luna Moth!

    Good spotting, Joan!!

    Comment by Joe Kennedy — 14 May 2021 @ 7:12 AM

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