Yesterday morning I headed out to run some errands — I needed a birthday present for the boss — of course, I took my camera.
On my way home I stopped to look for odes at the boat launch on the Contoocook in Greenfield. The weather was cool and blustery and the odes were few. I did make an interesting photo of a small moth trying to stay out of the wind.
I also took a walk up the rail bed from Elmwood Junction to the bridge across Powdermill Pond. Here there were small numbers of odes about, mainly chalk-fronted corporals. The find of the day was a teneral female black-shouldered spinylegs drying out on a fern about five or six feet from the water.
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What a variety here! Pretty much covered the basic photo groups – sans portraiture!
Comment by Joe — 19 June 2018 @ 8:07 AM