Photographs by Frank

22 May 2018

Rainy Day Colors

Filed under: architecture,Garden Flowers,Monadnock Region,Spring — Tags: , — Frank @ 6:00 PM

After finishing my errands this morning, I took a stroll (with camera in hand) around downtown Peterborough in a light rain.

The light was dull and flat, it was not a day for black and white photos, but the rain did make the colors really pop!

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1 Comment

  1. Another series of images where you showed your eye for detail. Remember the shoot we did at the Clydesdale Farm in Middleborough? I have a shot or three of the spoked wheel from there. Quite colorful in white and orange! Also, the corner of the aging window frame stood out!

    Comment by Joe Kennedy — 24 May 2018 @ 10:09 AM

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