This afternoon, I spent some time at Bailey Brook in Nelson. This brook has two very nice water falls separated by about a quarter mile of stream containing numerous small cascades. The stream was flowing well as we had about a half inch of rain yesterday.
The lower falls is visible from the road and is the smaller but more photogenic of the two. The upper falls has a very nice swimming hole at its top. I did not avail myself of this amenity today. It was breezy and the temperature was in the mid-50’s! The skies were partly cloudy with periods of bright sun (not so good for photographing waterfalls) and periods of thick clouds (good for the task at hand). The clouds were moving quickly so I never had to wait long for the light to change.
Bailey Brook is one of the few places in our neck of the Monadnock region where I have observed skunk cabbage*. There were newly emerging plants at numerous locations along the edge of the brook.
Damp feet and knees were a small price to pay for the photographs I made.
Color Work
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Black and White Work
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* Edit: Joan says that this plant is American False Hellebore, NOT skunk cabbage. I have enough trouble with odes… plants are too much for me!
I’m guessing you’ve already been called a wimp by mom for only getting slightly damp. The real question is has she been in yet?
Comment by Katrina — 27 April 2018 @ 7:07 PM
Small price to pay for these captures! Liking the colorized versions better.
Have not seen these falls – where is Nelson?
Comment by Joe — 27 April 2018 @ 8:44 PM
There’s a nice pool for taking a dip near the top of the upper falls, but I haven’t been in there yet this year. I have taken a brief swim in the lake, though. He IS a wimp!
Comment by Joan — 30 April 2018 @ 5:19 AM