Photographs by Frank

10 December 2010

Massachusetts Wildlife

Back in September, I entered ten images in a photo contest sponsored by Massachusetts Wildlife magazine, a quarterly publication of Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.

I had pretty much forgotten about the contest and my entry. However, I was pleasantly reminded about it when I recently received email informing me that four of my photos have been given awards!

According to the email from Peter Mirick,  the editor, there were “1,137 entries received from 183 individuals living in 149 cities and towns, some as far away as Florida and Arizona.”

No large cash prizes! Just a subscription to the magazine and a few extra copies of the  issue in which the images will be published.  However, it is nice to have ones work recognized this way.

Here are the four images that were selected:

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And here are the other entries:

[nggallery id=37]

Thanks for “wandering by”.


  1. Frank,
    Congrats on the awards! These are certainly noteworthy.
    Can we start a website page for Recognition Beyond HDP? Jim and you have received such acknowledgements and it would be inspirational to recognize both of you.

    Comment by Just Joe — 10 December 2010 @ 10:54 PM

  2. Congratulations,Frank! Well deserved, fantastic images… Though not a ‘winner’, I’m still a fan of the pitcher plant.

    Comment by Dana — 11 December 2010 @ 11:46 AM

  3. Really nice Frank. Congrats on the recognition. Of course, the top prizes were in the Inverts! Even the fiddler crab knew with its we are number one posture!

    Well done. There will be more! Don’t let it go to your lenses though!


    Comment by Kevin — 11 December 2010 @ 2:40 PM

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