Photographs by Frank

30 October 2016


Filed under: Autumn,Landscapes — Tags: , — Frank @ 10:30 PM

Yesterday afternoon found me in the lovely village of Grafton, Vermont.

On Thursday evening, in snowed at the higher elevations in both Vermont and New Hampshire and there were still remnants on the ground on Saturday afternoon.*

These photographs were made by photographing the ground glass of a camera obscura.

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*Here in Antrim we got mostly sleet and just a trace of accumulation. A fellow from Marlboro, VT said they had about six inches and there was still patches of snow in the woods at higher elevations, including  the upper reaches of  Lempster Mountain (about 20 miles from Antrim).


1 Comment

  1. Interesting effect, Frank.

    it has the look and feel of old time photographs.

    Comment by Joe Kennedy — 31 October 2016 @ 8:14 AM

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