Photographs by Frank

12 January 2014

Late One Foggy, Rainy, January Afternoon

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Frank @ 1:00 PM

“Our Town”… Peterborough, NH.

Joan went to see a concert in Peterborough late yesterday afternoon. We intended to head to another concert in Brattleboro, VT in the evening. Rather than Joan having to drive back home to pick me up after the first concert, I figured that I would find enough to entertain myself while she was listening to Lithuanian music. Thus, I went along with her to Peterborough.

The first concert began at 4. After dropping Joan off, I headed to the Toadstool’s, the bookstore. Three books and $15 later (I shopped the bargain bin!), I was off  with my reading material, to Harlow’s Pub for a beer. By the time I finished my beer, it was good and dark, raining lightly and foggy… perfect conditions for some photography!

Thus, with camera in hand, I made a couple of circuits around downtown Peterborough. By 6:10 we were in the car headed towards Brattleboro.

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1 Comment

  1. You continue to push the envelope for subject matter. These evening images are great. Of special interest for me were the Diner sign and the inside of the diner. I did play with the “Diner” image – i asked myself what would Frank do?

    It’ll be in your next email. . .

    Comment by Just Joe — 12 January 2014 @ 6:45 PM

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