Photographs by Frank

11 October 2021

Random Photos (2021 Trip)

Filed under: Misc.,Road Trips — Frank @ 10:00 PM

I made about 2,700 exposures in the month we were “on the road”*. Some of these photos don’t fit the stories that I tell in the other posts. Thus I post them here.

The photo titled “Woody’s Sign #2” (in the color section) requires some explanation.

Woody Guthrie’s famous song “This Land is Your Land” is usually sung in an abbreviated version. One of the often omitted verses reads as follows:

As I went walking I saw a sign there,
And on the sign it said “No Trespassing.”
But on the other side it didn’t say nothing.
That side was made for you and me.

More than ten years ago, on the Rhode Island coast, I made a photo of a no trespassing sign similar to this one. Now, I have two such photos. I think that I have the beginnings of a new project!!!

Black and White —

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Color —

[scrollGallery id=814 – autoscroll = false width = 600 height = 600 useCaptions = true]

* In these blog posts, I have shown 110 photos in total.

1 September 2021

(Trying Not To Be) Garry Winogrand

Filed under: Misc.,Summer — Frank @ 10:11 AM

Garry Winogrand was a street photographer who is known for the large amount of undeveloped and unprinted film he left behind when he died in 1984.

The first four exposures shown below were made in New Boston, NH back in June, on one of the hottest, stickiest days of the summer. I was driving back from the Boston, MA area and noticed some old cars sitting by the side of the road. They sat on my memory card until yesterday.

I initially drove past these cars being content to stay in the air conditioned comfort of my truck. It took me a half a mile to convince myself to turn around and go back to explore.

The last three photos are what passes for street photography in my neck of the woods. They were made a couple of days ago on an afternoon walk down our road.

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30 May 2021

Josiah Rowe (d. 1814)

Filed under: Misc. — Frank @ 12:30 PM

Josiah Rowe, who died in 1814 at the age of 81 years, was (presumably) a veteran of the Revolutionary War. Buried next to him is his wife whose name I can’t quite make out in this photo. She died in 1819 at the age of 70. Their graves are in the cemetery associated with the church in Bradford Center, New Hampshire.

Visiting (and photographing) in old cemeteries is, for me, always an interesting experience. Most of these places are quiet and peaceful. This is certainly true of Bradford Center. I rarely meet anyone else there, even though I have visited dozens of times.

The serenity is conducive to thought. My thoughts often turn to the lives of those commemorated by the grave markers. In so many ways lives lived two hundred years ago were so different from ours. Yet, at the very core of existence, their lives were exactly the same as ours. They were born as we were. They loved as we do. They died as we will.

11 February 2021

Ten Photos

Filed under: Landscapes,Misc.,Winter — Frank @ 10:05 PM

February, thus far, is turning out a lot like January… snowy, cold and gray.

High temperatures recently have been in the mid-twenties, the lows in the low teens. It is 11 deg F, as I write this, headed to right about zero by morning.

The cold only slows down the photography. The drab gray weather is what brings things to more-or-less a standstill. Maybe I’ll take up still life on the dining room table like my friend Jeff!

The first three of these photos were made on the first in Peterborough, the remaining seven were made yesterday at the Canterbury Shaker Village.

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31 January 2021

A Group Portfolio

Filed under: Misc. — Frank @ 5:59 PM

I belong to a self-organized group of photographers who meet once a month at the Vermont Center for Photography in Brattleboro, VT*.

We call ourselves “Carry It In” as we are focused on the sharing of physical prints on paper. We also have much discussion about the art of photography.

Recently we decided to put together a group portfolio in which we each contributed a print on letter-sized paper.

We made fourteen copies of the portfolio. One copy for each contributing member and one that we donated to the Vermont Center for Photography. Each set of prints was packaged in a nice folder with a title page and a colophon.

In the interest of wider distribution, we have also made a pdf version of the portfolio, it is available here. This file is best downloaded and viewed in the full screen mode of Acrobat Reader.


* At least that was our pre-pandemic modus operandi. Like everyone else we meet mostly via Zoom these days, although we did meet masked and outside for a few of the warmer months last summer.

29 January 2021

Random Photographs

Filed under: Landscapes,Misc.,Monadnock Region — Frank @ 9:30 PM

Cold*… snowy… drab… gray.

A pretty apt description of January. My photography slows down this time every year, but still I try. These days the little Fuji I bought about a month ago goes with me whenever I leave the premises.

Learning to see wide-angle compositions** has been interesting and fun.

These photographs were all made with the Fuji over the past ten days.

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* The temperature is 5 degrees F as I write this. The high today was 12. More typically over the past several weeks, the highs have been in the low 20s and the lows around 10 or 12 degrees F.

** Remember the Fuji X100F has a 22 mm (35 mm in “full frame” terms) lens that can not be removed.

8 September 2019


Filed under: Misc. — Frank @ 5:00 PM

Joan has been very successful in growing peppers this summer. We have dozens, maybe hundreds, of them on our kitchen counter at the moment.

Joan is, as I write, cutting them up and putting them in the freezer. I gave a few of them a very temporary reprieve from the knife so that I could make some photographs.

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18 August 2019

Cult of the Bulldog

Filed under: Misc.,Monadnock Region — Frank @ 7:45 PM

Give me a good heavy load and a clear stretch of road 
And just watch this old Bulldog run 

—– Bill Staines (Wild, Wild, Heart)

Early this afternoon, I spent about ninety minutes wandering the Granite State Old Truck Meet/Show. (It was held at the airport in Deering this year) .

Of course there were a multitude of trucks on display… many different types and brands.

However, it was the Bulldog that kept catching my eye.

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