Photographs by Frank

19 February 2022


Filed under: Misc. — Frank @ 10:00 PM

My late father-in-law, Winslow Caughey, was an enthusiastic amateur photographer. He enjoyed making photographs of his grandchildren and other visitors as well as the Rocky Mountain landscape. He generally shot slide film and would occasionally have prints made from the slides.

The photograph shown below, which Winslow titled “Progress”, was one of those that he had made as a large print. That print now hangs in Joan’s brother George’s house. We thought that the original slide had been lost and thus print was unique.

However, I recently spent a few cold winter evenings going through the slides we saved when Winslow died and lo-and-behold, I found the original slide which I promptly scanned so that it is saved for posterity.

I have not yet made a print, but I intend to do so and to find a place to hang it in the house. It is a witty photo that deserves to be seen. So here it is…

[scrollGallery id=837 – autoscroll = false width = 600 height = 600 useCaptions = true]


  1. I wondered what a witty photograph would be. Now I know. Thanks for the laugh first thing in the morning.

    Comment by Mary Jo Kelly Wilhelm — 20 February 2022 @ 7:10 AM

  2. You ain’t sh…. – that’s very clever and witty! Glad you found it and are able to have a print of your own. Any more classics in the mix?

    Comment by Joe Kennedy — 25 February 2022 @ 5:10 PM

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