Yesterday, we went back to the Zealand River area. Joan needed to collect seeds from the plants she surveyed about a month ago.
The temperature in the mountains was about 70 degrees and it was most cloudy, not ideal weather for odes but good weather for photographing flowing water. I was more-or-less prepared* to do either!
These photos are of “the Zealand Falls” which are at the head of the valley near the AMC hut. Rather these are much small falls farther down stream; quite near the trail head.
The two falls shown are actually side-by-side on the river. There is a stretch of uninteresting stuff between them, so I photographed them individually.
The first photograph shows the smaller falls (about five feet high) it is on the left as one faces up river. The total fall of larger falls is roughly twenty feet.
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* I did not bring a tripod; only my monopod for odes. Thus no really long exposure “silky water” photos!