Photographs by Frank

9 January 2015

Plow Truck

Filed under: Monadnock Region,Winter — Tags: — Frank @ 7:00 PM

Here in northern New England, folks with long driveways often keep a “plow truck”.

These old (and usually unregistered) pickup trucks are kept running for the sole purpose of plowing snow off the driveway during our long cold winters.

I have driven past this long unused plow truck dozens of times over the past three or four years but the light falling on it was never “interesting”. Yesterday morning things were different. Thus, with the temperature in the single digits and ungloved hands, I stopped and made a few exposures of this plow truck.

Oddly, this particular plow truck has been left way down at the road end of a driveway that is long enough that one can not see the house from the road. Usually plow trucks are kept up near the house. After all, who wants to have to walk the length of a long driveway in deep snow just to begin the clearing of one’s driveway. Just one of life’s little mysteries!

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  1. You need to go back with a small saw and take out that branch on the left. This is one place that needs to be visited in the four seasons! The colors will be amazing in foliage time and after a sizable snowfall – hopefully this truck won’t be put into service for that storm. And, get some different angles as well. Good idea about a tight shot of the right headlight and fender area.

    Comment by Just Joe — 9 January 2015 @ 7:16 PM

  2. Wow you found my old 53 GMC Truck Frank! I have been looking for this for along time! Lovely winter photos. I will need their refreshment in the heat of Cambodia. We leave Monday but back by 14 March

    Great shots.


    Comment by Kevin — 9 January 2015 @ 7:34 PM

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