Photographs by Frank

1 June 2010

More Odontates from Carver’s Pond

Filed under: Carver's Pond,Odontates,Southeastern MA — Tags: , — Frank @ 11:03 AM

Carver’s Pond is an old mill pond in Bridgewater, MA. It is about two miles from our house and just up the street from the College. I walk there from work at lunch time many days. It is a place we go when we have time only for a very short jaunt… sometimes with the kayaks or canoe or sometimes just for a walk.

The pond is home to much wildlife… turtles,  fish, birds, small mammals and, of course, odontates. I spent a few hours hunting dragonflies and damselflies there again last Thursday.

It is good to go back to the same place often… just to see what has changed.

In the case of odontates, the “signal” for emergence from the larval form to the adult is mainly water temperature. Each species has a specific temperature at which it emerges.  This time of year, when the water is warming rapidly, new species seem to “pop up” almost daily. Thus, multiple trips, even in quick succession are often rewarded with new species to see and photograph.

Here are some of the day’s photographs:

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1 Comment

  1. Once again, another fine collection of insects!

    Comment by Just Joe — 2 June 2010 @ 6:45 PM

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