Photographs by Frank

19 February 2021

A Response to Joe’s Questions

In his comment on my “first salted-paper print” post, my friend Joe raises some interesting questions (in italics below). I thought that I would reply publically here rather than in an email to him alone.

So, do you prefer this process to your cyanotypes?

It is not so much as preferring one process over another. Rather the key, I think is to fit the photograph to the process and to the “mood” (aesthetic?) that one wishes to convey.

And, for me, why?

I think that I can answer this on many levels. The fun of learning and hopefully mastering something new. Having another tool for artistic expression. Or to paraphrase Sir Edmund Hillary… “Because I can”!

You have a good image that would be a great print via the usual ways of printing.

It is interesting that you raise this point. Back a month or so ago, as I was setting up a printer with Piezography Pro inks, I make prints of this series of photographs using the “full warm” inks*. These prints (scans shown below), on a satin paper, are very nice but not as ‘special’ as the salted-paper prints.

[scrollGallery id=757 – autoscroll = false width = 600 height = 600 useCaptions = true]

* The Piezography Pro system modifies an Epson printer to use only black/gray inks. The inkset consists of two sets of four inks. One set is warm toned and one is cool toned. The software allows one to mix the two set of inks to arrive at a final print of any tone in between, including dead neutral, if that is the desired result.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for sharing my questions with the immediate world! Going forward, I’ll make sure my questions are both interesting and intelligent.

    Well, I am truly impressed with your Warm-toned Piezography prints! The detail and the look and feel are amazing! I vote for a future with Piezography!!

    P.S. So, are we still friends????

    Comment by Joe Kennedy — 19 February 2021 @ 2:50 PM

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