Photographs by Frank

8 July 2018

(Mostly) Wildflowers at Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center

Filed under: Other Insects,wildflowers — Tags: , — Frank @ 9:49 PM

In preparation for my workshop titled “Photography of Dragonflies and Damselflies“, I have (twice in the past couple of weeks) spent some time at the Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center (in West Brattleboro, VT). Alas, the odes have been sparse both visits, but there are numerous wildflowers (IDs by Joan) in their meadows. They also have numerous day lilies blooming around their buildings at the moment.

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1 Comment

  1. Well, lucky for you that your better half knows her florals!

    As per usual, another great compilation of images. You should be inspiring me to get out there with my camera and shoot. You are almost there so keep it up. I may attend a small concert in the park this evening.

    Comment by Joe — 9 July 2018 @ 12:55 PM

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